For the need of studying national cohesive force from points of view, some research methods in sociology may provide experience for studying national cohesive force. 适应多角度研究民族凝聚力的需要,社会学领域中的一些成熟的研究方法可为民族凝聚力研究提供借鉴。
The paper describes what cohesive force of group means and analyses the probable significant effect it is to make in institute for drug control. 通过阐述群体凝聚力的内涵,分析了群体凝聚力在药检所中的作用。
But Howard is more resemblant of Pippen as a cohesive force at both ends of the court. 其实Howard更像Pippen,在攻防两端都是粘合力。
Their present significance and realistic value mainly reflect in: 1.strengthening the acknowledgement of frontier clans and cohesive force of the minority culture; 古戏台的当代意义和现实价值主要体现在:1.增强边疆族群认同、加强民族和谐文化建设;
All these just activities fully demonstrate the great patriotism and cohesive force of the Chinese nation and the firm will of the Chinese people to safeguard world peace and oppose hegemonism. 这些正义活动,充分显示了中华民族的伟大爱国主义精神和巨大凝聚力,充分体现了中国人民维护世界和平、反对霸权主义的坚强意志。
It is essentially to reinforce the cohesive force for the fulfillment of common interests of the company and to build up a corporate culture. 公司治理在本质上是要创造实现公司共同价值的凝聚力,形成一种企业文化。
Building the city cultural strength can improve the image of the city and make the urban attraction, cohesive force and comprehensive competitive power stronger. 打造城市文化力,可以塑造城市形象,提升城市吸引力、凝聚力以及综合竞争力。
The idea of adjusting the cohesive force between polar plate and dust is put forwards from the perspective of dust polarization theory and polar plate electronic work function. 总结大量国外研究成果,指出影响除尘器效果的最主要因素是粉体的粘结力,提出了从粉体极化理论和极板电子逸出功角度考虑来调节极板和粉体间的粘结力的想法。
Goal: Enhances the club interior cohesive force, meanwhile raises the members 'cooperated consciousness. 目的:提高俱乐部内部的凝聚力,培养俱乐部成员的团队合作意识。
Cohesive force is crucial to the development of an enterprise. 企业要发展凝聚力是关键。
The structural power of overseas Chinese comes from four sources: political influences, economic power, population, culture and ethnic cohesive force. 摘要东南亚华人的结构性权力来源于五个权力资源,即政治影响力、经济实力、人口、文化和族群凝聚力。
Prerequisite of cohesive force is the goal of life. “生的目标”是凝聚向心力必备的条件。
The cohesive force of the company is increasingly intensified in the rich and colorful after-hour life and safe and peaceful life environment. 丰富多彩的职工业余生活,安全稳定的生活环境,使公司的凝聚力不断增强。
There is inner mechanism in Nationalism's molding dauntless cohesive force and nation identity. EPISTEMIC COMMUNITY: EMERGENCE AND NEW FORM FOR GOVERNANCE IN METROPOLITAN AREA 民族主义能塑造出坚韧的凝聚力与强烈的认同感,有其内在的社会心理机制;基于认知共同体的大都市区治理与协调机制
The university student party member has own unique superiority and the vitality, is the party organization cohesive force, the battle efficiency and creativity concrete manifestation. 大学生党员有着自身特有的优势和朝气,是党组织凝聚力、战斗力和创造力的具体体现。
The university spirits are the quintessence of a university, and they are cohesive force, creativity and vitality of a modern university. 大学精神是一所现代大学的凝聚力、创造力和生命力,是大学的精髓所在。
All these show a united and positive company with cohesive force. 在这方面则表现出一个具有凝聚力而团结向上企业。
This paper holds that it is a result of natural economy, a social system for the Buyi people and a means of maintaining community or clan cohesive force. 本文认为,这种生活样式是自然经济的派生物,是布依族的一种社会制度,是维系社区、群内聚力的纽带。
Patriotism and sacrifice of overseas Chinese reveal the great cohesive force of Chinese. Overseas Chinese responded enthusiastically to the various salvation bonds issued by the Chinese government. The picture shows salvation bonds issued during the Anti-Japanese War preserved by the Overseas Chinese. 海外华侨在抗日战争中所表现出的强烈爱国热情和牺牲精神,充分显示了中华民族强大的凝聚力。华侨踊跃认购国民政府发行的各种救国公债。图为华侨精心保存的抗战时期救国公债。
Reviews own education practice, the gathering intravenous drip minor matter, deeply deeply felt above, must achieve the goal, class's and grade's cohesive force is the safeguard. 回顾自己的教育实践,汇聚点滴小事,深深感到,要实现以上目标,班级的凝聚力是保障。
Republican thoughts have great cohesive force to the European nations in the process of many years of division and reunion. 在千百年分散聚合的历史进程中,共和思想对于欧洲诸多民族始终具有强大的凝聚力。
Only by this way can the undergraduate's national cohesive force be retained and raised. 只有这样,才能极大地保有和提升大学生的民族凝聚力。
We analyse the factors such as dust resistively, the applied electric field and dust water ration which affect the dust cohesive force. 分析了比电阻、外加电场和粉尘含水率等因素对粉尘粘结力的影响。
The firm lacks cohesive force. 公司没有凝聚力。
The theory modoles and function of ethnic identity among minority adolescents; There is inner mechanism in Nationalism's molding dauntless cohesive force and nation identity. 少数民族青少年民族认同发展理论模型及其功能民族主义能塑造出坚韧的凝聚力与强烈的认同感,有其内在的社会心理机制;
Its anti-scour ability is weak because the cohesive force between earth granules is small. 由于土料颗粒间的粘结力很小,因此土石坝抗冲能力较低。
At the same time, the approaches of hospital culture how to improve the cohesive force, creative power, executive strength, transmissibility and core competitive power of hospital were discussed. 探讨了医院文化在凝聚力、创造力、执行力、传播力和医院核心竞争力的实现途径。
The Cohesive Force Difference Experiment and Analysis between Drying-cocoon Silk and Fresh-cocoon Silk 干茧丝与鲜茧丝抱合指标的差异性实验与分析
Honorable person CS is mainly strengthens the staff cohesive force and team cooperation ability. 真人CS主要是增强员工凝聚力与团队协作能力。
Set personally an example to others, be concerned about the staff, rewards and punish clearly, make city inn, Happy Valley has the high cohesive force, promote all the staff accomplish their works with high enthusiasm and responsibility. 以身作则,关心员工,奖惩分明,使客栈具有高度凝聚力,使全体员工以高度热忱和责任感去完成本职工作。